Thursday 16 January 2014

Above The World

Above The World

Northern part of Pakistan is the meeting point of three of the world’s mightiest and highest as well as youngest mountain ranges, Karakoram, Himalayas and Hindu Kush. The Northern Area is paradise for the trekkers, here is the world’s greatest consternation of high peaks and glaciers, with the beauty, isolation and sheering immensity like nothing also on the earth. This magnificent land contains galaxies of towering snow capped mountains, turbulent rivers, gigantic creeping glaciers, lush green alpine meadows, tumbling water falls, quiet lakes, blossoming fruit orchards, hot and cold springs, spectacular scenic beauty has made it a popular tourist resort and paradise for trekkers . Some of the important glaciers are Baltoro, Batura, Biafo, Hispar and Biafo- Hispar glacial corridor of 117 km is the longest on the outside the poles. There are more than 20 passes and 76 narrow valleys in the Northern Areas. The land of Northern Ares is best described a “MOUNTAIN DESERT AND PARADISE FOR ADVENTURE LOVER”. The wilderness of ice and rock has drawn a lot of trekkers and climbers to this region and your experience a wilderness of heart aching beauty that encompasses the extremes of climate and 

terrain. There are many places, which are still not much explore like the area beyond the Shimshal, in the area of Misghar Village and west of Karamber River in Hindu-Kush.